The Islamabad High Court has ordered the PTA to unblock online game Players’ Unknown Battle Ground (PUBG) while approving a petition filed against the Authority’s decision to ban the game in Pakistan.
Justice Aamer Farooq announced the verdict on Friday. It was earlier reserved on July 14. The court will soon issue a detailed verdict, directing the PTA to make any future decisions on bans after listening to all stakeholders.
The PTA had said on Thursday that the ban it imposed on online game Players’ Unknown Battle Ground (PUBG) will remain in place.The authority had asked the game developers to share data about PUBG sessions, its users in Pakistan and regulatory measures, but no response has been received yet.
Federal Science Minister Fawad Chaudhry had expressed his hope that the IT minister would take note of it and the PTA would be instructed not to encourage such bans as they hinder technological growth in the long run.
In response, Haque had said the IT Ministry does not have control over the PTA. The authority is overseen by the Cabinet Division, he said. Haque added that he was also against restrictions that could hamper progress.
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