Meghan Markle, who was heartbroken due to the decision of the royal family to strip Prince Harry's military titles, had described this move as 'unnecessary’.
Prince Harry, 35, who is proud of his military past, had served the military for 10 years from 2006 to 2015.
He served as the Lieutenant Commander in the Royal Navy, Major in the British Army, and Squadron Leader in the Royal Air Force.
Prince Harry lost all his honorary military ranks when he and wife Meghan Markle left their royal lives behind.
Earlier there were reports that Harry was emotional over losing his honorary military ranks while stepping down his royal duties in January.
In January, Buckingham Palace had announced that Prince Harry is required to step back from his ‘official military appointments’ as part of his and Meghan’s decision to resign from royal duties.
If any body have a doubt he\she can discuss it.